About This Morris W
Beck Naval Cover Web Site
This not for profit Web site was
created in 1999 and is managed, as a hobby,
by Owen R. Murray, a naval cover collector.� Owen started collecting navy
covers in the early 1960's.� His early cover collecting interests were
Aircraft Carriers and the US Navy recovery ships for America's space
program.� He subscribed to Morris W. Beck, Taz Nicholson, Bob Ekas, and other cover series
as many collectors did in the 1960's and 1970's.� Owen joined the USCS at 16
years old and became member Number 5676-J, (J for Junior Member).�
He produced only one printed naval cover.� See the
cover below.� The cover was a tribute to the men who died in the tragic fire
aboard the USS Oriskany in 1966.� The proceeds of this project went to the
ship's recreation fund.� In 1968, Owen visited the USS Oriskany while docked
at Alameda, California.� He received a grand tour of the carrier by the
ship's Captain, Bill Holder.� During that same trip, Owen met some Bay Area
USCS members that influenced his collecting interests.� Thanks
go to the late Jack Howland and the late Ray Costa, and others of the USCS Saginaw Chapter.
In the late 1960�s Owen and several other USCS members
in Utah formed a USCS Chapter.� The chapter is now inactive.
Owen's father was a professional photographer and owned a printing company and helped
supply Owen with high quality bond envelopes and supplies for collecting
covers.� He sent thousands of envelopes to navy ships over the years as he
built his collection.
He joined the Air National Guard and
served 4+ years
active duty as an Air Force/ANG recruiter.� He completed his military
reserve duty after 20 years and retired as E7 MSGT-First Sergeant of a C-130
ANG Flying Squadron.
Over the years, his collecting interests went on hold
as he raised a family and pursued a career.� He holds a Bachelors degree as
well as a Masters of Business Administration (MBA).� His professional
marketing career includes nearly 12 years with Fleetwood in Cheyenne,
Wyoming, the producer of high-quality First Day Covers.�
Owen is now
retired and lives in Arizona.
Today, Owen specializes in Morris W. Beck covers.� His goal is to compile an online
reference catalog with a checklist for all naval collectors to enjoy.�
Collecting Beck covers, gardening and photography are his hobbies.�
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