Morris W. Beck Cover Printing Log
for the Numbered Series 1962-1975

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The photos below represent scans of the actual log that Morris W. Beck maintained in his own handwriting.� This log contains the information he kept for the Numbered Naval Cover Series of 1962-1975, a total of 1000 covers.� Quantity for each "series number" produced varied greatly by event depending upon how many envelopes he had on hand from collectors.

The individual pages for the Beck Cover Log are shown below as JPEG images.� For better reading, click on each page to see a larger version of that page.

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For better reading, click on each page to see a larger version of that page.

For better reading, click on each page to see a larger version of that page.

Mr. Beck sent a copy of his log to Ron Reeves in Pennsylvania.� We received the copy from Mr. Reeves.� The last few pages of the log were completed by Mr. Reeves.� You can see where the handwriting changes after cover number 900 and some of the notes appear at cover number 873.

Compare the writing, especially the number "four".�� Mr. Beck's number four is like this "4" while Mr. Reeves' "four" is open.� Sometime in 1973 Mr. Beck sent his log to Mr. Reeves for his research and Mr. Reeves filled in the information from then on.

For better reading, click on each page to see a larger version of that page.

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