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Morris W. Beck Naval Covers

Copyright ©1999-2021 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 03/23/2021



 Morris W. Beck FAQ

Revised January 4, 2021


Frequently Asked Questions:


Q-What is a Beck CREW Cover?

Answer-A Beck CREW cover is defined as a Beck printed cover without the "B" number. 

Beck's printing log shows how many covers were printed for each cachet and he noted that 25 additional
envelopes were sent to the Navy for their use. 

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The 25 envelopes Beck sent did not have, postage stamps, addresses or the "B" number printed on the cover. 

The 25 covers were a gift from Mr. Beck to the Navy for handling the batch of collector's covers Beck sent to the Navy's coordinator for cancellation.  Beck intended the covers to go to the Senior CREW or VIPs, but Beck really didn't have control on how the covers were distributed.  This is why it is called a CREW cover.


Q-Some Beck CREW covers have a rubber stamped address.  Does this mean that some collectors sent his own envelopes to Beck and requested CREW covers?

A-Traditionally, we have thought that CREW covers were Beck printed covers without the B number with envelopes supplied by Beck. (no stamp and no address)