
1-50    51-99 MA-8   S,100-150   151-200   201-250   251-299   300-350 MA-9 
351-402   403-455    456-514 GT-2    515-569 GT-3, GT-4, GT-5    570-621 GTA-6 GT-7 

AS-201, GTA-8, GTA-9, GTA-10, AP-3, GTA-11        688-769 AS-202, GTA-12, AS-204, AS-501, AS-502, AP-7    

AP-8, AP-9, AP-10, AP-11, AP-12, AP-13, AP-14     842-899 AP-14, AP-15, AP-16, AP-17, SL-II, SL-III, SL-IV    

900-951   952-1000

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Morris W. Beck Naval Covers

Copyright ©1999-2025 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 01/05/2025


Morris W. Beck Cover
Varieties, Fakes, Errors, Misprints and Oddities.


Beck B999 missing the YELLOW background color.  Sold on eBay 4/24

Scans courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith. 
The red background color is missing from the B998 cachet.

The yellow background color is missing from the B999 cachet.

Missing the BLUE background color
Scan courtesy of David Ball

Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker

Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker


Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker

Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker

Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker

Fake-Not a real Beck cover.  Cachet is a sticker

The cachet appears to have been cut off a Beck cover and then stuck on the envelope cancelled at Cape Canaveral

Scans Courtesy of Andre Gutmann and Larry Johnson



Another example of No background and B787 on bottom right. 
Scan courtesy of Wolf Magnus, R Smith and Tom Steiner

Apollo 10 Prime Recovery Ship Cover


Tom Steiner sent us this scan of missing background color on a Beck printed cover for Apollo 10.

Ton Steiner sent us this scan of missing background color on a Beck printed cover for Apollo 10.

Last week we posted a Beck Apollo 10 Prime Recovery Ship (PRS)
cover B787 on our Beck cover site.  The cover is very interesting
because it is missing the green screened background color and
the “B787” was printed under the cachet on the Bottom LEFT
instead of the RIGHT
.  It also had a shift in some of the type
when compared to other Apollo 10 Beck covers.

Tom Steiner sent us a similar cover.  So now we have seen two.

We thought that the cachet might have been counterfeit but
now think we need to "soften" our stance regarding the
authenticity of these covers.  With the evidence of the second
cover, it seems that the covers were likely printed by Beck and
not by someone wishing to counterfeit the cachet.

Click HERE to see more Apollo 10 covers from the same

We have carefully reviewed over 70 different actual Apollo 10 covers
that we have access to and the Rautschke cover seemed suspect. 
But now with a second one, it is likely that Beck printed the cachets. 
His printing log doesn't have enough detail to answer that question.

Please examine the Apollo 10 Pacific covers you might have and let
us know if you have any covers with the B number on the left
instead of the right. (as shown in the third cover on the left)

EVERY one of the actual 70+ Apollo 10 covers we looked at had
the same layout of the type “APOLLO 10” and the words “LUNAR
MODULE” below it.  The “L” of Lunar lined up exactly the
same in all the covers, except the two shown here.

Thanks goes to Andre Gutmann, Tom Steiner, Ross Smith,
Gerard Zonneveld for their input and information
on this issue.


We show several Apollo 10 covers addressed to the same

collector that were provided to us by Tom Steiner.  HERE


Below are examples of other Beck varieties

Apollo 8 PRS without the background fill
Scans courtesy of Joe Volutza


 Cachet cut off in printing process.
Scan courtesy Ross Smith

Note the shift in colors on this cachet.
It helps to clearly show the differences in the colors.

Scan courtesy Ross Smith


Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson, missing green color.  added 11/17

Scan courtesy of David Ball, missing yellow.  added 12/15


Tom Steiner sent us the above scan of three Beck GT-3 Gemini covers that are
missing the yellow.


Above:  Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J. Smith.  Paul Huber found this very
unusual Beck cover for the PRS USS Intrepid for GT-3. 
The cover is missing the silver color.  The yellow and blue are printed normally.

Below: Is the correctly printed B515.  The YELLOW color
difference between the two B515 covers is due to the scan.


Scans courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith. 
The background color is missing from the above GTA-8 cachets.
The cover below shows the cachet with the background color.

Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith.  Note that this cover shows B999. 
All other Pacific ASTP we have observed have the B998 cachet.

Scan courtesy of Ross Smith

Above: Scan of cachet printing variety cover from the Tom Steiner.
Below: Beck cover with correct cachet colors for comparison.


Above: Scan of cachet printing variety cover from the Tom Steiner.
Below: Beck cover with correct cachet colors for comparison.


Skylab missing RED color

Luc Jallot, France sent us this scan of a Beck Gemini cover with the green color missing.


Above: Scan of cover from the collection of Eddie Bizub via the estate of Richard Learn. Note the missing black color.
Below: Beck cover with correct cachet colors for comparison.


Above: Scan of cover from the collection of Eddie Bizub via the estate of Richard Learn.
Note the missing blue color.
Below: Beck cover with correct cachet colors for comparison.


Above: Scan of cover from the collection of Eddie Bizub via the estate of Richard Learn.
Note the missing green color.
Below: Beck cover with correct cachet colors for comparison.


Above: Tom Steiner, President, Space Unit sent us this scan of B579 cover
that is missing the background color of the Beck cachet.
Shown  for comparison is the "normal" B579 (TOP) and the cover missing the background (BOTTOM).
There are three additional examples of the missing background found by Tom. 
1.Cochrane B581  2. Rupertus B582  3.Renshaw B583


Above: Tom Steiner, President, Space Unit sent us this scan of B896 cover that is missing the green
color of the Beck cachet.
Shown  for comparison is the "normal" B896 CREW (TOP) and the cover missing the green (BOTTOM).


Above: The very interesting TRIPLE CACHET cover shown above has the Beck
cachet number B515 printed on the BACK of the cover.

The Project Gemini cachet was applied to the front of the cover
before it was sent to Mr. Beck. 
Beck printed his cachet on the back of the envelope and then sent the envelope to the US Navy for postmarking. 

The US Navy applied the round cachet on the front.  There is one other example of a similar cover for GT-5 Beck 561

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J. Smith

Beck 958 Columbus Day cover ERROR cover. The cover above is missing the black color. 
At first, we thought it was a CREW cover because it didn't have a printed Beck number.
Then we realized that it was missing a color!  Thanks to Steve Durst for sending us the scan.

Above: Beck 958 cover with all colors in the cachet.

Scan courtesy of Tom Steiner    Cachet is missing the green color.  Also see behow.

Above: B874 missing Black Color. Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith

This printing error cover was sold on eBay in February 2021 for $112.50

Below:  Normal cachet with Red, Green and Black colors. 
Note that the red and blue lines at the top of the cover are not part of Beck's cachet. 
The lines were already on the envelope sent to Beck.


Printing test sample made by Beck to prepare covers.  Both of these cachets are printed on the same envelope.

Above: B763 Beck cachet missing Brown Color.  Below: Normal Beck cover

Above: B973 cachet missing Blue Color.  Below is a comparison.




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Copyright ©1999-2025 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 01/05/2025