Morris W. Beck Foreign Covers
Some of these covers were "Sponsored" by Donald O. Schultz
See the Checklist HERE
This page
illustrates four printed covers that Morris W. Beck produced for foreign
naval events.� Donald O. Schultz, also of Wisconsin and a fellow member
of the USCS Nuclear Ships Chapter #61, worked closely with Morris W. Beck on
some cover productions.��
Donald O. Schultz was the cachet
director for the USCS Nuclear Ships Chapter.� Beck had the printing
equipment.� There are over 20 printed or rubber stamp cacheted naval
event covers.� A checklist is below.� If you are aware of any
others, please send a scan to us and we will list it.

 Scan courtesy of Charlie Hamilton� 5/2019
 Scan courtesy of Charlie Hamilton
Click on any photo to see a
larger size photo

 Donald O. Schultz

Getting modafinil in the us
> [13:33:27] Modafinil: Is there an EULA for modafinil in the us? Because I tried to buy it on the black market but only got a warning message. > [13:33:29] it's like you're the police. stop asking me "are you the modafinil company?"
> [13:33:31] and "who's your client?"
> [13:33:34] and you're going to arrest me?
> [13:33:40] Youre asking this, right?
<-- I haven't seen a modafinil ad in the US for a long time, I guess.
--> [13:33:42] modafinil: Can we speak to your lawyer
> [13:33:47] I haven't drug |