
1-50    51-99 MA-8   S,100-150   151-200   201-250   251-299   300-350 MA-9 
351-402   403-455    456-514 GT-2    515-569 GT-3, GT-4, GT-5    570-621 GTA-6 GT-7 

AS-201, GTA-8, GTA-9, GTA-10, AP-3, GTA-11        688-769 AS-202, GTA-12, AS-204, AS-501, AS-502, AP-7    

AP-8, AP-9, AP-10, AP-11, AP-12, AP-13, AP-14     842-899 AP-14, AP-15, AP-16, AP-17, SL-II, SL-III, SL-IV    

900-951   952-1000

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Morris W. Beck Naval Covers

Copyright ©1999-2024 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 03/01/2024


  Autographs on Morris W Beck Printed Cachets

This page shows examples of various Beck covers with autographs obtained by collectors.  Some of the autographs are autopens and some are actual signatures.  Covers illustrated here are just for collector's interest.  This is not part of the reference catalog and does not intend to represent an authoritative listing of astronaut autographs.

Updated September 2024

Shown in the order the cover was added to this page.  Latest additions are at the top.

A B634 with a certified autograph of Neil Armstrong and autograph of David Scott.
Cover sold for $3500 on eBay


Authentic autograph of Alexei Leonov


  Scan courtesy of Joe Volutza

  Scan courtesy of Joe Volutza

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Added 10/2021 Scan courtesy of Andre Gutmann.  Autograph of CO Robert L J Long.

Added 10/2021

Added 5/21

This following group of GT-4 and GT-5 covers on black backgrounds are courtesy to Tony O'Brien


Added 8/2020 Scan courtesy of Mark Burton

7/2020 eBay $48.25

This autographed Beck cover sold for $98.00 on eBay in 2020

Sold for about $61

Signed by Augustine W Smith, Captain, US Navy

Above scans courtesy of Anthony O'Brien


This is a MW Beck custom printed cachet for a customer. 



Sold for $63.00

Sold for $63.00

This one sold for $75.00 on eBay in July 2019





Scan courtesy of L.K.How


December 2010.  Sold on eBay.  $45.64.  Seller was gastampman.

December 2010.  Sold on eBay.  $22.37. 

Sold on eBay December 2010.  $103.50  Courtesy of seller Gastampman.





The scan of the cover shown here was sent to us by Luc Jallot of France.  This cover is the harder to find of the Apollo 13 B838 covers.

Some interesting covers for the US space program comes from Europe.



The scan of the cover shown above was sent to us by Steve Durst.  Steve writes: "The Beck first day cover is not especially difficult, but try finding it with
authentic autographs of the 9 astronauts who flew on the 3 manned Skylab flights  and all of them autographing one cover!"

ABOVE: A thanks goes to Steve Durst for sending us this cover to put on the site.  This is a great cover and probably one of a kind with all the autographs it has.  Autographs are: Dave Scott, Al Worden, and Jim Irwin; NASA CapCom Dick Gordon; Recovery Pilot, Ship's CO and XO, and CTF-130 RADM Tom Hayward


Click on any photo to see a larger size photo

Scan courtesy of Eddie Bizub from the collection of David Ball.

Click on any photo to see a larger size photo


Previously unlisted GTA9. B653 with Tom Stafford's autograph.  Note how this autograph is much different than his autopen shown below.

Click on any photo to see a larger size photo


Dr. William B. Lenoir

Thomas Stafford-autopen

Neil Hutchinson Flight Director

Charles Conrad-autopen

Charles Conrad, Richard Gordon-Autopens


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Copyright ©1999-2024 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 03/01/2024