
1-50    51-99 MA-8   S,100-150   151-200   201-250   251-299   300-350 MA-9 
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AP-8, AP-9, AP-10, AP-11, AP-12, AP-13, AP-14     842-899 AP-14, AP-15, AP-16, AP-17, SL-II, SL-III, SL-IV    

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Morris W. Beck Naval and Event Covers

Copyright 1999-2025 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.       Revised: 03/23/2025

Covers from the Morris W Beck Personal Collection
These are covers with various cachets addressed to himself or family

Sailor's Mail

Updated 3/18/25

Postmarked the day before VJ-Day Sep 1, 1945

Scan Courtesy of Stewart Milstein

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills

Scan courtesy of Charlie Hamilton

This is the US Navy ship that Morris W Beck served on in WWII

PaulaCover, The Cover Connection on eBay sold this great sailor's mail cover on eBay. 
It is a cover sent home by Morris W Beck who joined the US Navy directly out of high school in 1944.

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson


Covers from M W Beck's personal collection

Mr. Beck sent numerous covers to ships for postmarks for his personal collection. 
These are easy to spot because he preprinted or wrote his mailing address on the covers.

This cover is not a Beck printed cover.  It is a Captain's Cover printed by the ship. 
It is interesting to note that Mr. Beck's address is printed.  This means that Mr. Beck sent his blank envelope
to the ship for printing.  The ship printed the cachet, postmarked the cover and put the
cover in the mail.  If anyone has a newspaper article giving collectors instructions please
send us a scan.

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills
This cover really looks like a Beck creation, but we are not sure.


The two scans above are courtesy of Art Cole.  These scans are
from Beck's personal collection.  The cover was handled by
Donald Graf. Added 10/2018



Scan courtesy of David Ball   Added 6/2018


The cachet and return card on this cover was applied by
the ship and the cover was postmarked in Charleston,
SC.  Keep in mind that modern subs had rubber stamp
cachets but they didn't have a post office on board the sub. 
That is why you see sub covers postmarked at a
port or on another ship.

Added 12/2015    Scan courtesy of Greg Ciesielski



Dr. Ross Smith sent us scans of some Mercury covers
that have the printed address of Morris Beck.  We
believe that the cachet shown below was designed and
serviced by/for Donald Schultz.  We don't know for sure
if the US Navy had copies of the cachet rubber stamp to
apply to covers.

The Schultz cachet is on the back of the cover.  So
when was Schultz's cachet applied to the cover and
who applied it?


Scans courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith


The Schultz cachet is on the back of the cover.  So
when was Schultz's cachet applied to the cover and
who applied it?


Scans courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith


Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Steve Durst sent us this scan of a Mercury manned
space flight recovery cover with a printed address to
Morris Beck.  This cover has the ships rubber stamp
cachet.  Mr. Beck did not print a cachet for the
recovery ship, USS Kearsarge, but he did print cachets
for three secondary ships.

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Two scans above are courtesy of Don Hensley

Some of these covers have Martin Longseth's name stamped on the reverse of the cover.
We believe that Martin stamped his name because the cover was in his collection at some time.



Scans courtesy of Gerard Zonneveld
Interesting GTA 9 cover addressed to Mr. Beck.


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Copyright 1999-2025 Owen R Murray.  All Rights Reserved.      Revised: 03/23/2025