Beck Event
and Naval Covers 1943-1944 Page 1 of 3
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Theodore Roosevelt, October 27, 1943

Similar to above cover except this one has NY. NY cancel

Scan courtesy of Jeff Mills
A good example of Beck's very early Naval Covers

2008 was the first time we saw this 1943 Morris W Beck
cover he produced while in high school.
There is a red rubber stamp on the reverse of the cover with Beck's usual
marking. "Morris W. Beck"
We asked Mr. Beck about his early covers and he has no written record of the
early covers and can't specifically remember which ones he published. Mr.
Beck passed away in 2011.

Another example of this cover, postmarked
at a different
city. Argonne, Wisconsin.

The reverse of WWII Patriotic cover
Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson Added 2024

Scan courtesy of Larry Johnson Added 2024

USS PC 823-Reverse Marking 604 Ninth Street

January 29, 1944

January 29, 1944-Hand Cancel

Reverse Marking 604 Ninth Street

This Ticonderoga Launching cover is likely to be a one-of-a-kind cover.
It is believed that this hand-made cover was created
by Morris W. Beck.
The picture is cut from another source and affixed to the cover. The
text is hand printed. The writing style
is very consistent with Beck's
other samples found on this site. If you are aware of any other Beck
hand-made covers please
contact Owen Murray.

USS Myers-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

Reverse of the USS Myers, USS Pattison cover
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to view a larger photo of the cover

USS Icefish-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

USS Pittsburgh-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

USS Reynolds-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

USS Bennington-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

USS Seiverling and USS Moore-Reverse Marking Corner Number

USS Sea Lion-Reverse Marking 604 Ninth Street

USS Dayton-Reverse Marking RCD No 329

USS Campbell-Reverse Marking Corner Number

USS Goss-Reverse Marking Corner Number

USS Maddox-Reverse Marking RCD No 329
This page
is Beck Event
and Naval Covers 1943-1944 Page 1 of 3