Beck CREW Covers-Some Unlisted

Crew Cover B861 This is only the second one we
have seen.
Scans courtesy of Martin Schwebs Rasmussen

B894 CREW unlisted


B890 Scan added for first time


B896 Solid Lines.� Only 2nd one observed
� |
Beck CREW Covers-Some Unlisted


B875 CREW Unserviced

B873 CREW Unlisted�

B880 CREW Unlisted

B880 Ticonderoga CREW

� |
 This is an insert found in a Beck state cover.�
See more information about this series Toradol for sale online.
Scans courtesy of Don Hensley
 Sold for $35.99 on eBay
 Sold for $29 on eBay.� A very interesting
Beck cover addressed to Harry Gordon, a well-known dealer.� The
text rubber stamp was applied by Harry Gordon.� This cover has
a Hand Cancel.

Sold for $28.50 on eBay

This cover shows a great example of the small
round cachet that Mr. Beck designed.� He applied the cachet to
envelopes at collectors request, after a space flight.� He also
sold sets of the rubber stamp cachets to a few dealers. We have no
idea how many were applied, especially given the fact that sets of
the rubber stamps still exist.
Thanks goes to Tim Preston for sending in this scan.
� |
Interesting Covers and Additions

This interesting cover does not have Mr.
Beck's name printed on it but we are pretty certain he did produce
this cover.� It uses a very similar cachet artwork as the
1951-2 and 1956-7 statehood series.
Thanks goes to Charlie Hamilton for sending us the above scan.

Many times when collectors used more than one
stamp on the covers, the post office cancels the stamps again.�
In this case, the Boston post office added the 7 April cancel on
both B747 and B748 covers.� The extra cancel may distract from the cover's appearance but it also helps to
add some postal history to the routing of the cover.� These two
covers are shown here courtesy of Dr R J Smith. �
 At first glance this cover looks like a
printing error or missing B number, etc.� Collectors applied a
stamp and return address to envelopes before Mr. Beck printed the
tri-color cachet.� In the example above, the collectors address
label was overprinted by the cachet. When the address label was
removed, part of the cachet went with it.
Thanks goes to Woody Witt for sending in this scan. |
 The only one we have observed.� This scan is
from the web.
� |
Apollo 8 USS Yorktown with Return to Port Cancel��
This cover is probably unique.� It has
the return to port date on a Beck cachet that was designated for USS
See more detail at the link below.
Over the counter promethazine and codeine
� |
Apollo 8 PRS USS Yorktown with Hand Cancel ��
This #10 (business size) envelope was sold on
eBay for over $60.�
It has the Yorktown hand cancel which has not
been seen on a Beck printed cover.
� |
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Unusual Space Cover for AS 501-Norfolk, VA ��
Dr. Ross Smith sent us the scan at left of a
previously unlisted space cover.
It is postmarked for AS 501 in Norfolk, VA.
November 14 1967
� |

Scans from eBay� |
eBay Prices High for GT-2 CREW Covers�
The two CREW covers shown at left were sold as
a set on eBay for a price of $186.50.
We have seen other similar CREW covers, but
these are VERY desirable and valuable covers for your collection.
See all the Beck GT-2 covers,
Cetirizin genericon 10mg filmtabletten
� |
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Apollo 12 USS Hawkins CREW Cover
Thanks goes to Dr. Ross J Smith for sending us
this scan of a very nice autographed Apollo 12 CREW cover.� It
has the autographs of the flight crew plus Al Worden.� The crew
consisted of Alan Bean, Pete Conrad and Richard Gordon.
A great addition to any Beck/Space collection.
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Gemini 9 Cover Beck 652 Previously Unlisted
Thanks goes to Dr. Ross J Smith for sending us this scan of a cover
we have not seen before.
It is addressed to W R Skelley, Jr.�
Search on this site for other references to Skelley.� He really
obtained some great and unique covers.
� |
Gemini 9 Cover Postmarked Honolulu Hawaii
Thanks goes to W. Magnus and Tom Steiner for
sending us this scan for the Beck site.
This is the first (and only) B648 cover we have seen that wasn't
postmarked on the secondary recovery ship USS Epperson.
This cover is probably unique and was
postmarked two days after the recovery.� Evidently, the
Honolulu PO noticed that the cover was not postmarked on the USS
Epperson, and applied the local Honolulu machine cancel.� This
is only our speculation.� No one knows for sure.
� |
Amazing Price Paid for
Apollo 7 Launch Cover
This Beck cachet B761 cover was postmarked on the launch date
of Apollo 7 at KSC.
Perhaps a "one-of-a-kind".
Successful bidder paid $260 for this great cover.
� |
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Apollo 10 USS Ozark CREW With VIP Label
Dr. Smith was the successful bidder for this elusive Apollo
10 USS Ozark CREW cover.�
This cover has the "desirable" VIP label.�
Final bid price was $70.� The value and demand for these
CREW covers continues to increase.
� |
 A new variety has been added to B801 and
B802 listings
� |
Another Apollo 11 Postmark Variety Identified
Enough evidence and examples are available to support the
listing of another postmark for Apollo 11.
See the example shown at the left.� You will see that
the AM or PM time slug is missing.
Thanks goes to Dr. Ross Smith, Steve Durst and Lee Kok How
for supplying supporting information for this important Beck cover.
Ventolin kopen nederland
� |
 � |
Mercury 9-Cooper B332 Jacksonville FL
Dr. Ross Smith recently purchased a lot of covers that
contained a very interesting MA-9 cover postmarked at Jacksonville, FL instead
of USS Myles C. Fox.� Mr. Beck sent the printed/cacheted envelopes to the
US Navy to the attention of USS Myles C Fox.
The cover shown should have been postmarked on the ship but
somehow it got into the mail without a postmark and the post office in
Jacksonville applied their postmark.
There are a variety of dates shown on the many MA-9 covers.�
The date on this cover is a bit unclear.� Only one digit is clear, the 1.
In any case, this is likely a unique cover and was previously
� |
Apollo 16 Cachets Show Many Options
Mr. Beck made the Apollo 16 B880 and B881 cachets available
to various collectors and dealers well ahead of the space flight.
As a result, the dealers or collectors added postage and then
sent the cacheted envelopes to various locations for postmarking.
The cover shown at left shows the launch date.
See the many varieties
USS Iwo Jima LPH-2, Apollo 13 Postmarks
There are three varieties listed for B838 USS Iwo Jima the
Prime Recovery Ship for Apollo 13.
1. B838 Ships name is at top of cancel, Date is NOT skewed.
Shown at left (top)
2. B838 Ships name is at Bottom of cancel, Date IS skewed.�
Shown at left (bottom)� Probably the most common cancel used on Beck Apollo
13 covers.
3. B838 Ships name is at Bottom of cancel, Date is NOT
skewed.� Not shown here.� Go to
listing HERE
� |
Set of 3 Boxer GTA-8 Covers Fetch $126.50
The group of 3 covers shown at left sold for $126.50 on eBay.
The B639 cover is the important one in this group.� It
was previously unlisted.
� |
  Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Beck B873 PRS Apollo 15 "Matched Set"
Scans for a real nice set of Beck covers for Apollo 15 was
sent to us from Dr. Smith.
Both covers are signed by the Commanding Officer, Capt.
Andrew F. Huff.� Note that the covers have different hand postmarks.�
One has the ship's name at the top of the cancel and the other cover has the
ship's name at the bottom of the cancel.
� |
 Scans courtesy W Magnus |
Previously Unlisted B529 Gemini 3
Beck B529 cover postmarked on Harold J Ellison has been
identified.� The Ellison cancel is on several other Beck numbers but has
been "unlisted" on B529 until now.
� |
Beck Previously Unlisted CREW B535 Gemini 4
This Beck B535 CREW cover postmarked on USS Ponchatoula
AO-148 is the first one we have observed and was previously unlisted.�
See other GT-4 covers HERE
� |
Beck Previously Unlisted St Louis B536 Gemini 4
An unusual cover for GT-4 B536 postmarked at St Louis.�
Probably a one-of-a-kind.
� |
Beck B563 Gemini 5
A nice cover for GT-5 B536 postmarked on USS Dupont.�
The airmail border adds much interest.
� |
 � |
Beck B592 Gemini 6
A nice cover for GT-6 B592 postmarked In Jamaica, NY. This is
similar to a cover we show in the listings but it has a different cancellation.�
AM vs PM. |

� |
Previously Unlisted B759 USS Essex
Beck B759 cachet for USS Essex is a new find to the site.�
Note that the cover shown at the left has a VIP label that we see on some very
hard to find covers and especially on CREW covers that were sent to Space
Industry VIPs.
Sold for $105.18 on eBay.
Autograph is Donn Eisele, Apollo 7
� |

� |
Previously Unlisted USS Missouri Launching
This is the first hand cancel we have seen for
this cover/event.
� |

Cachet's Continue to Bring Top Dollar
Reader and collector Greg Ciesielski sent us� a scan of
B724 covers with a cachet variety that we haven't noticed before.� We have
updated our listing.� Thanks Greg.
Note the position of the Beck number on each cachet.
This likely occurred if Mr. Beck did an additional printing
of the covers after the original batch was printed.
We reviewed Mr. Beck's printing log for 724 to see if there
was a note about multiple printings.� There wasn't any note.
The scans at left show a lighter color for the background but
we believe that the backgrounds are the same and the scan just looks different.
� |
� |
Check out Dr. Smith's of Recent Prices Paid
Click HERE
� |
Cachet's Continue to Bring Top Dollar
Below: This previously unlisted prime recovery
ship cover is a real prize! It sold for $93.� Beck B611.

Below: A good example of Beck's 1946 Navy Day
Over the counter equivalent to imitrex

Below: USS Wasp GT-4 Beck CREW cover.�
Sold for an amazing $228.50.

� |
Cachet's Continue to Bring Top Dollar
Below: An excellent example of the scarce Mason GTA-8 cover
on B630.� It sold for about $80 on eBay.
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith
Below: Autographed Apollo 9

Below: A new addition to our site. USS New Jersey. Previously
Cachet's Continue to Bring Top Dollar
The covers shown here were sold as a lot on eBay.� The
lot sold for $188.50 after 8 bids.
Two of these covers are of special note.
First the USS Fletcher cover is a previously unlisted CREW
cover.� The second cover of special note is the B317 USS Duncan.� A
very rare cover and only the second one we have seen.
Note that this lot was sold by a major space cover dealer in
There was a lot of interest in this lot and other recent lots
which indicates that Beck and space covers continue to be a strong market.
 Apollo 11 cover with Aldrin's autograph sold for
 Apollo-Soyuz FDC with autographs sold for $61.00
 Apollo 13 cover with Gene Krantz, Flt Dir. Autog
� |
Cachet's Bring Top Dollar on eBay
Here are several examples of Beck cachets bringing top dollar
on eBay.� The autographs on these covers created a lot of interest in the
� |
Cachet "342" USS Corry CREW MA-9
Another important Beck CREW cover sold today on eBay.�
This is the first CREW cover we have observed from MA-9 from USS Corry.
Selling price was $78 for a lot of 3 covers.� The other
two covers were "average" value MA-9 covers which emphasizes the importance and
value of this Corry cover.
� |
 � |
Cachet "323" USS Kearsarge CREW MA-9
This Beck CREW cover is the second one we have seen.� It
also has the CO's autograph.
This very desirable cover sold on eBay for $124.50.
We designate this CREW cover as being under B323 because Mr.
Beck allocated "323" for the Kearsarge while printing the cachets.� The
Kearsarge cancel is seen on another Beck cachet, the
If you watch eBay, you will notice that some very desirable
US space covers come out of Europe or are addressed to collectors in Europe.�
This cover is another example.
� |
Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith
� |
652 GTA-9 Dual Cancel
This Beck 652 GTA-9 has an extra cancel.� We normally
only see the hand cancel from the ship.
The machine cancel is Norfolk, VA on June 7.
� |

� |
Printing Test
This Beck printing test envelope recently sold for $77 on
eBay.� This "oddity" is very unusual and desirable for the serious Beck
See more Beck varieties
 Beck GTA-6 PRS CREW cover sold for $81 on eBay
� |
GTA-6 USS Wasp, PRS CREW Cover $81 on eBay
This great CREW cover sold on eBay for $81.� See Beck
B584 in the listings.
There seems to be a lot of interest in Beck space covers
these days as shown by the prices realized at auction.
Click HERE
to read more about this Gemini mission and the abort that took place.
Thanks goes to Randy Constantin for providing the mission
October 25,1965 - Launch scrubbed due to failure of the Agena
docking target to reach orbit.
December 12,1965 - Launch aborted due to premature shutdown of Titan launch
vehicle's main engines just after ignition on the pad.
December 15,1965 AM - Launch
December 15,1965 PM- Rendezvous with Gemini 7
December 16,1965 - Splashdown
Beck covers for GT-6 and GT-7 HERE
� |
 Sold by "seanspace" on eBay $62.76
�� |
USS Boxer GTA-8 Covers
The cover shown at the left is a recent lot from eBay as
reported by Dr. Ross J Smith.
The GTA-8 cover was sold by Sean Marsar on eBay.� Sean is
a well-respected space cover dealer.� This lot is of the GREEN cachet of
the Beck design.� Click here for more details about
these covers.
The following text is from the eBay description:
Gemini VIII) was the sixth manned spaceflight in NASA's Gemini program. The
mission conducted the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit, but suffered the
first critical in-space system failure of a U.S. spacecraft which threatened the
lives of the astronauts and required immediate abort of the mission. The crew
was returned to Earth safely. The only other time this happened was on the
flight of Apollo 13. Because the early abort of the mission the Leonard Mason
had to pick up the astronauts instead of the designated USS Boxer. Covers from
the Mason are obviously much rarer. It was the twelfth manned American flight
and the twenty-second manned spaceflight of all time (including X-15 flights
over 100 kilometres (62 mi)). Command pilot Neil Armstrong's flight marked the
second time a U.S. civilian flew into space (Joseph Albert Walker became the
first US civilian on X-15 Flight 90[1][2]). Armstrong had retired from the
United States Navy in 1960. The Soviet Union had launched the first civilian,
Valentina Tereshkova (also the first woman) aboard Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963
� |

Scan is courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen from

Scan shows small rubber stamp applied by
Mr. Beck or a dealer after the space flight.� Note the size of the small rubber stamp
in relationship to the cancellation.

January 8 2012� This ad was published in the USCS Log
supplement of April 1967
Scans courtesy of Charlie Hamilton
Thanks to David S Ball and Martin S Rasmussen for contributing to this information
� |
Beck Applied the Round
Space Rubber Stamp After Space Flights to Any Cover Sent to Him by
Collectors...Beck also sold� the Rubber Stamps to collectors or
Note the small maroon,
red or blue rubber stamp that was applied to collector's envelopes
after the space flight was over.�
Collectors wishing to have this rubber stamp
applied to covers, sent their covers with SASE to Mr. Beck.�
Mr. Beck applied the rubber stamp and
returned the covers to the collectors using their SASE.
Mr. Beck offered this service to all space
collectors who wanted it applied to their covers.� Beck would
apply the rubber stamp to other cachet maker's envelopes if the
collector sent him the cover after the flight.�
Because the small rubber stamps contain
specific flight details we know that these small rubber stamps
were applied after the space flight and not before.
Mr. Beck started applying/selling the rubber stamps
with GT-3.
We have seen different rubber stamps
specifically for these missions:� Gemini 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12. AS-201, AS-202 and AS-501.
We don't think Mr. Beck kept any records of
how many covers he applied this small rubber stamp to, but it must
be a small number for each flight.�
We also now know that Mr. Beck
sold the small rubber stamps to some collectors and dealers that wanted to
apply the design to their own covers.� We are aware of at least
one dealer still owning the rubber stamps.� That means that
there are many covers with this added design and that not all were
applied by Mr. Beck.
NEW Small Rubber Stamps on Space
� |
      Scans courtesy of Larry Johnson |
Additions to Beck Site Always Welcome
Thanks goes to Larry Johnson for sending us the scans shown
at the left.
Some interesting covers.
B895 with both the MC and HC was previously unlisted.
The Apollo 202 has some nice Harry Gordon additions.
The South Carolina CREW cover is same as B939 but without the
number, making it a CREW cover.
� |
 This GREEN B625 was part of an eBay lot won by Dr
Ross Smith.� This covers might be unique and is the first B625
postmarked on USS Boxer we have seen.�

This B515 CREW cover sold for GT3 Sold on eBay $90

Scan of 1962 newspaper article, courtesy of Dr Ross J Smith
� |
Who is W R Skelley, Jr?� Readers
Share Thoughts
Over the past several years, we have seen many Beck CREW
covers addressed to W R Skelley, Jr.
We assumed he was a PIO or Postal Clerk during the Gemini space
recoveries.� He managed to get a hold of a lot of the Beck CREW covers and
addressed them to himself.� One is shown at left.
Skelley likely had access to some of the covers sent to
the US Navy for the recovery ships by Mr. Beck.
See an article by Dr Ross
Click HERE |
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith
� |
Unusual Cancel Variety for USS New.
Missing DD
Take� a look at the USS New cancel on this Apollo 13
recovery cover.�
Note that the cancel does not have the usual "DD".
We have looked in our collections and we only know of two
examples.� Dr Smith and Tom Steiner each have one like the scan shown at
Please check your collections to see if you have a cover with
the same cancel.� Let us know.
� |
   Scans courtesy of Paul Huber� |
Previously Unlisted 1962 Beck Covers Added
Scans of several previously unlisted 1962 covers were added
to our Beck cover Web site.� The scans were sent to us by former Sub CO and
well-known cover and postcard dealer, Paul Huber.
Paul can be contacted at Fairwinds
� |
 Morris W Beck President Birth Cachets
 Morris W Beck President Death Cachets
_small.jpg) Morris W Beck "Generic" President Cachets Scan is courtesy of Don Hensley� |
Newly Added Beck President Cachets
In the 50's and early 60's, Mr. Beck printed cachets honoring
the presidents of the United States.� There were at least three cachet
series.� Birth dates, Death dates and a "generic" but similar cachet.
The three series that we have observed are shown at left.
Note how the main difference is the top or title of the
A big thanks goes to Don Hensley for sending us the generic
scans to add to our site.
See more HERE
� |
 Scan is courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen |
Previously Unlisted Beck B698 CREW
This previously unlisted Beck CREW cover was offered on eBay
in a set of covers.� This is the first one we have observed.� The
lucky and successful bidder ended up with a GREAT cover!
� |
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith
� |
Beck B584 CREW Cachet on eBay
Dr. Smith was the successful bidder of this Beck CREW cover
for Gemini GTA-6.� USS Wasp cancel and similar covers have B584
This is the second such cover we have observed with the
Hoover stamp and the "VIP" Label.
See the listing HERE
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith.� Note
that this cover shows B999 NUMBER with the Pacific cachet.�
All other Pacific ASTP observed have the B998 cachet.
� |
Beck Cachet Printing Variety
This cover shows B999 NUMBER with the Pacific cachet.�
All other Pacific ASTP observed have the B998 cachet.
� |
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith.
� |
Beck B998 Cancelled in Greenbelt MD
This Beck B998 is postmarked in Greenbelt MD on September 12,
1975.� The slogan in the cancel reads "Apollo-Soyuz Peaceful Uses of Outer
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith. |
Beck Cachet Printing Varieties
The yellow background color is missing from the B999 cachet.
The red background color is missing from the B998 cachet.
� |
 Scan is courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith. The cover
shown below has the correct printed background.� Any difference
in cachet colors is a result of scanning.

� |
Beck Cachet Printing Varieties
The background color is missing from the cachet shown at
The lower cover at left shows the cachet with the background color present.
�Any difference in cachet colors is a result of
scanning. |
 Scan courtesy of Rich Hoffer
� |
Beck Cachet For Change of Command
USS Yosemite AD-19
Change of Command
Unusual Beck printed name on reverse of cover.
This is only the third Change of Command cover observed.
See all 3 HERE |
Beck Cachet Printing Varieties
Tom Steiner sent us scans of these two printing varieties.
See a comparison of these cachets along with the proper
colors� CLICK HERE
� |
 Beck GTA-6 PRS CREW cover sold for $81 on eBay
� |
GTA-6 USS Wasp, PRS CREW Cover $81 on eBay
This great CREW cover sold on eBay for $81.� See Beck
B584 in the listings.
There seems to be a lot of interest in Beck space covers
these days as shown by the prices realized at auction.
Click HERE
to read more about this Gemini mission and the abort that took place.
Thanks goes to Randy Constantin for providing the mission
October 25,1965 - Launch scrubbed due to failure of the Agena
docking target to reach orbit.
December 12,1965 - Launch aborted due to premature shutdown of Titan launch
vehicle's main engines just after ignition on the pad.
December 15,1965 AM - Launch
December 15,1965 PM- Rendezvous with Gemini 7
December 16,1965 - Splashdown
Beck covers for GT-6 and GT-7 HERE
� |
 Sold by "seanspace" on eBay $62.76
�� |
USS Boxer GTA-8 Covers
The cover shown at the left is a recent lot from eBay as
reported by Dr. Ross J Smith.
The GTA-8 cover was sold by Sean Marsar on eBay.� Sean is
a well-respected space cover dealer.� This lot is of the GREEN cachet of
the Beck design.� Click here for more details about
these covers.
The following text is from the eBay description:
Gemini VIII) was the sixth manned spaceflight in NASA's Gemini program. The
mission conducted the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit, but suffered the
first critical in-space system failure of a U.S. spacecraft which threatened the
lives of the astronauts and required immediate abort of the mission. The crew
was returned to Earth safely. The only other time this happened was on the
flight of Apollo 13. Because the early abort of the mission the Leonard Mason
had to pick up the astronauts instead of the designated USS Boxer. Covers from
the Mason are obviously much rarer. It was the twelfth manned American flight
and the twenty-second manned spaceflight of all time (including X-15 flights
over 100 kilometres (62 mi)). Command pilot Neil Armstrong's flight marked the
second time a U.S. civilian flew into space (Joseph Albert Walker became the
first US civilian on X-15 Flight 90[1][2]). Armstrong had retired from the
United States Navy in 1960. The Soviet Union had launched the first civilian,
Valentina Tereshkova (also the first woman) aboard Vostok 6 on June 16, 1963
� |

Scan courtesy of Tom Steiner |
Beck Printing Error
for Skylab III
This interesting Beck cover is missing a
color.� Note that the B896 number would have been printed in
the missing RED color.
Click HERE to see
correctly printed cachet and view B896 listing.
� |
 � |
"Wild" Bidding for
This Beck CREW cover sold on eBay this week
for an amazing price of $135.50 after 13 bids.
The envelope stuffer card was what made this
cover so desirable.� We have never seen this stuffer card
produced by Mr. Beck.
We have no idea how many he made of this item
or any similar covers.
It is just a very interesting collectible and
it fetched a nice price.
� |
Updated information and listings on our
Collector's Resource page�
Click HERE |
Happy New Year 2012�
You may have noticed that we have been recording
prices realized on eBay for Beck covers since about 2008.�
just finished entering several thousand prices on the
numbered cover listings.��
The eBay selling price is now listed for
2008-2011 when known.� Click on any of the listings for Beck
Numbered covers 1-1000.
� |

Scans Courtesy of Greg Ciesielski/Rich
Nallenweg |
Beck Cachet Printed on
European Size Env�
These are the first Beck cachets we have seen
printed on the larger European sized envelope, referred to as C6
The C6 envelope size is
the standard in Europe for most collector's covers while the 6 3/4 size envelope is common in
North America.
For more information on envelopes used in Europe
click HERE
� |
Project Gemini GTA-10
PRS sells for $26.50
This PRS Beck cover was spotted on eBay.� It
is great to see that important covers like this one are holding
their value for collectors.
� |

� |
Previously Unlisted 1947
USS Purdy
This previously unlisted cover was spotted on
� |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Perhaps The "purchase"
of Year!
This previously unlisted/unknown CREW cover
(B319) for Gordon's Mercury flight was bought on eBay.� Dr.
Smith "snagged" this cover for only $25.� It was likely
overlooked by many other Beck collectors that would have paid two or
three times that amount.
Note that the address on the cover is Mr. Beck's
home address at that time.
� |

B584 CREW Wasp PRS

B608 Wasp PRS
Scans courtesy of Timothy Preston� |
Two Elusive Gemini Beck
PRS Covers�
The scans at left were sent to us by Timothy
Preston.� He found these two very elusive covers in a lot of
covers purchased this year.�
Take a look at the cover listings for these
covers to view a similar looking cover of each.� Up until now,
we had only seen one example of each.
Thanks Tim.
See the
listing HERE
� |

� |
Early Gemini Beck B543
This cover was sold on eBay for about $10.�
It has the autograph of the CO.� A very nice cover.
� |

Scans courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
Unlisted Beck 881 Apollo
16 Sold on eBay Dr. Ross J Smith
reports purchasing a previously unlisted Beck 881 Apollo 16 cover
postmarked on USS Constellation CVA-64 on April 26, 1972.� The
cover sold on eBay for $36.� The cover is addressed to the
well-known cover dealer-collector Harry Gordon.
Also shown is a very nice Apollo 10 Beck 797
cover postmarked on USS Rich on a popular airmail envelope.�
Some collectors specialize in airmail envelopes. |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith |
ASTP Dated
Cover-Probably a Beck Fake Dr. Ross
J Smith reports purchasing a lot of 8 space covers.� One of the
covers in the lot is very interesting and probably has a FAKE Beck
GT-3 cachet.� The color of the cachet is less vivid than other
GT-3 seen.� Also the capsule and overall cachet is larger than
the genuine version.
The cover was postmarked in Norfolk for ASTP
in July 1975.�
Possible explanations might be: 1) We know
that many ASTP covers were postmarked and returned to collectors
without a cachet.� The Navy enforced the 2 covers per collector
rule.� So perhaps this collector printed his own cachet!��
OR 2) Dr Smith reports that the postmark like wavy lines appear to
be on top of the cachet, so it is probably a contemporary fake and
not a modern addition.
� |
Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross J Smith
� |
Interesting Gemini 10
Crew Covers These seldom seen
Crew Covers for Gemini 10 also have an added rubber stamp cachet.�
The lower cover has the Beck designed rubber stamp as applied by the
US Navy.
Just to be clear, the blue cachet for these
covers was printed on the ship for general purposes.� The black
rubber stamps were added for Gemini 10.
� |

Scan courtesy of Charlie Hamilton |
Unlisted 1946 Beck Navy
Day Cover Found Charlie Hamilton
found this previously unlisted Beck cover.� Very nice example.
There are over a dozen different Beck covers
commemorating Navy Day 1946.
See more HERE
� |

� |
Beck B999 with
Interesting POB Number The cover
shown here was sold on eBay for $6.50.
The interesting thing is the address on the
envelope.� If any reader knows the story behind that address
please let us know.
� |

Scan courtesy of nalwife on eBay
� |
1946 Beck Navy Day Cover
bids to over $25 Bidding for a 1946
Morris W Beck cover postmarked on USS Douglas H Fox with a Navy Day
1946 cachet reached over $25 on eBay.
Someone really wanted this cover!�
Typically, we haven't seen much bidding going on during the hot
summer months.
� |

� |
Cancel Error on USS Wasp
the PRS for GTA-9 Check the cancels
of the USS Wasp GTA-9 covers in your collection to see if you have
one of the "RARE" cancel variety versions.
The variety is the upside down 1966 in the
cancel slug.
The scans at left show the only 3 covers we
have observed.� It is interesting to note that one cover has
the US Navy rubber stamp cachet and the other two have the printed
MW Beck cachets he assigned to the Wasp, B651, B657.
There must be similar covers out there in
collections but they haven't surfaced yet.� If you have one,
please send us a scan.
The rubber stamp cachet with the cancel
variety/error recently sold for $61 at auction.� The Beck
printed cachets should sell for more and we estimate that they would
sell for $75-100 each depending upon the situation.
You might run across the cover with the cancel
variety at a local stamp show but you are more likely to see the
cover on eBay.� Depending upon how many collectors notice the
cover the price would easily sell in the range stated above.�
Good Luck.
Thanks goes to Dr. Ross Smith, Steve Durst and
Eddie Bizub for providing scans of this issue.
� |

Scan courtesy of Steve Durst
� |
USS Boxer LPH-4 Covers
for GTA-8� The cover shown at
left is a new addition to our site.
Based on correspondence between collectors, we
have edited our special page on the GTA-8 covers.
See the Boxer covers
page here
Thanks go to Dr Ross J Smith, Steve Durst,
Randy Constantin, Dennis Dillman, Ray Cartier and Tom Steiner.

Scan courtesy of PETESTAMPS on eBay
� |
1975 ASTP Cover Carried
by UDT Sold on eBay The cover shown
at left is from the 1975 Apollo/Soyuz space mission.� The
cachet is the M W Beck designed rubber stamp and postmarked in SFO
on July 24th.� All that is not remarkable.
What is unique with this cover is that it was
actually carried by the UDT during the recovery mission.
Sold on eBay June 5 for $22.50 by PETESTAMPS
He reports that Dr Ramkissoon's name in pencil
is at the bottom of the envelope but is almost completely erased.
This cover is similar but not the same cover
as shown in the Beck 952-1000 cover listing under B998.�
� |

� |
Previously Unlisted 1947 Beck
Added to Site This 1947 Morris W
Beck US Naval cover� sold on eBay for $9.99 and was added to
our site and Beck cover listings.
See the 1947 listing and
photos here |

June 2011 Scan courtesy of Ross Smith

2008 Scan courtesy of Paul Huber. Thought to be
one of a kind until now. |
Beck B317 Story
Continues Morris W Beck's
multicolored cachet number B317 for Gordon Cooper's MA-9 space
flight was designated for USS Fletcher, one of the many US Navy
ships of the MA-9 recovery force.�
Mr. Beck sent the printed (cacheted) envelopes
to the US Navy to distribute to the ships that he designated.�
We know that when the envelopes reached the US Navy there was
usually a different (non-standard) or even random distribution to
the ships of the recovery force.� That explains why we see Beck
covers postmarked on different ships for the same cachet design,
B317 in this case.
See the cover listing
for more details on the story of B317 covers.
� |

Beck USS Ozark CREW cover for Apollo 10 |
Beck CREW cover for B791
Sold on eBay Morris W Beck printed
cachet for Apollo 10, B791, without the cachet number makes
it a CREW cover.� This cover from the USS Ozark sold for $32.00
on eBay.
� |

Scan courtesy of Eddie Bizub from the collection
of the late Richard Learn. |
First Scan of Mercury
B331 Cover
With May 15 Date Eddie Bizub sent us
this scan of B331 USS Gainard from his stock and identified it as
being from the collection of the late Richard Learn.
This is the only B331 from the USS Gainard we
have seen with the 15 May date.� The 16 May date is the date
seen most of the time.
Update: This cover was sold and found a
welcome home in a nice collection!
� |

Scan courtesy of Toni Rigo.� GT-2 USS
Champlain cover with AM cancel.�

For comparison, shown here is the B461 Beck
printed cover with the PM cancel.� Only the PM cancel has been
observed on a Beck printed cover. |
Very Elusive GT Cover
With RS Cachet Toni Rigo reports a
very hard to find USS Champlain cover for GT-2 with the 19 Jan 1965
AM cancel.
The cover shown here has the US Navy rubber
stamp (RS) cachet.� The rubber stamp applied to covers by the
US Navy was designed and supplied by Morris W Beck.� Mr. Beck
used a similar design for his multicolor printed cachets as part of
his numbered series.�
We have not seen a Beck printed cover with the
AM cancel.� The PM cancel is seen on Beck printed covers
from USS Champlain.� Beck numbers B456, B461 and B463.
Toni Rigo researched the covers available for
GT-2 and provides an excellent summary of the various USS Champlain
covers for GT-2
US Navy Rubber Stamp Cachet
1) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Black cachet (the most
2) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Red cachet
3) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Purple cachet (the most
Morris W Beck printed cachet
4) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Beck B456 (scheduled for USS
5) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Beck B461 (Shown at Bottom
6) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM�� ����������� Beck B463
Unnumbered Beck printed cachet (or crew cover)
7) 19 Jan 1965 HC PM
US Navy Rubber Stamp Cachet
8) 19 Jan 1965 HC AM� (Shown at TOP LEFT)��
Navy Rubber Stamp Cachet
9) 19 Jan 1965 MC PM. ���(MC=Machine Cancel)
� |

Scan from eBay |
Unlisted Beck Mercury
CREW Cover Found This great CREW
cover was recently sold on eBay for about $105.
Beck's numbered cachet for USS Taussig is
B324.� This is the first CREW cover we have seen from USS
Taussig for this space mission.� See other covers from this
mission HERE.
This cover is a CREW cover because it does not
have the "B324" printed on it.� Beck sent 25+ printed envelopes
without the "B" number for each ship in the space recovery task
force.� The US Navy made the actual distribution of the covers.�
That is why we see such differences in the use of the covers from
flight to flight and ship to ship.
� � |

Scans Courtesy of Kimberly M., the
daughter of Lt. R. J. Barrett, a Helo Pilot for a Swim Team during
splashdown of Apollo 11.� |
"Letter From Daddy"
Apollo 11 Helo Pilot� Lt.
Richard J. Barrett, the pilot of the helicopter for the Swim Team
for Apollo 11 astronaut recovery, knew how important the event was
he participated in.
He was on duty in the Pacific for the Mission
to the Moon while his family was home in California.�
Lt. Barrett wrote this wonderful letter to his
two month old baby daughter so she would know that he was part of
Thanks goes to his daughter, Kimberly for
letting us include her personal letter on our site.
Click on the letter to view it for better
� |

Scan courtesy of Richard Hoffner
Tri Color Generic Cachet used for 1960 Ryukyu FDC |
Beck Tri Color FDC
Example Richard Hoffner, the past
VP of the USCS, sent us this great scan of a Morris W Beck First Day
of Issue Cachet.� From 1952 and until the mid 1960's Mr. Beck
produced FDC cachets under his own name and the Tri Color brand.
This cover sold on eBay after 4 bids for
See more examples HERE
If you are not a member of the USCS, please
consider becoming a member.� Dues are reasonable and the
Monthly Log publication is a wealth of information on Naval and
Space covers.� See more below |

Join the USCS and enjoy collecting covers from
Naval ships.� Most of Beck's covers were Naval covers. |
Universal Ship Cancellation Society
THIS Link for the membership form.� Fill out the form and mail it with
your dues to the address on the form.
Today the non-profit USCS has over 1,200 worldwide members and
offer many resources for collectors.� The monthly USCS LOG publication
(included with membership) is packed with information about naval covers, ships,
how to order postcards, history, and addresses of ships to send for your own
postmarks from US Navy ships.� SEE MORE |

USS LSM 496.� Landing Ship Medium.
Scans courtesy of Richard Hoffner |
WWII Morris W Beck Sailor's Mail
Richard Hoffner sent us the scan of a cover Mr. Beck sent
home while in the Navy.� Also shown is the US Navy ship Beck served on.�
USS LSM 496.� The LSM was a Landing Ship Medium were amphibious assault
ships during WWII.
If you have any samples of Mr. Beck's sailor's mail,
please send us a scan.
See more covers from Mr. Beck's
collection HERE |

� |
Beck 953 Cover Sold for
$23 on
eBay The Beck cover for the First
Day in Commission of the USS Spruance DD 963 sold for $23 on eBay. |

Scan from eBay.� Beck CREW cover for GT3�
B515 |
Beck CREW GT3 (B515) On
eBay 180Euros Dr Ross Smith brought
this to our attention.� A nice GT3 CREW cover (B515) is being
offered on eBay for 180 Euros or about $250.� That price seems
high and it will be interesting to see if it sells for that.�
We know of one that sold for $90 in 2009.
The handwriting on this cover is the same as
one that we show in our listing for B515 CREW.�
A member of the crew was lucky enough to get a couple of the
envelopes that Mr. Beck sent the US Navy. |
Beck 1951-2 Statehood
Set Listed on eBay
UPDATE March 13: This lot did not
Steve Henderson
sent us information on a seldom seen offering of complete set of
Beck's Statehood series from 1951-2.� It is on eBay now at lot
# 180635283710.�
Below is the lot's description from eBay.
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See our listing of the
Beck Statehood series HERE
� |

1.� B584 CREW With Hand Cancel
Scan courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen
� |
Important Beck Covers
Now Listed Martin
Schwebs Rasmussen, a regular reader of this blog and Beck Naval
cover collector, sent us some scans of some very interesting Beck covers.
1. B584 USS Wasp CREW with a HAND Cancel.�
The first one we have seen.� We have a scan and have observed
at least two B584 CREW covers but those have the MACHINE cancel.�
This one is newly listed in
our GTA-6 listing. |

2.� B608 With Hand Cancel
Scan courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen� |
2.� B608 USS Wasp HAND Cancel.� This
newly listed B608 with the hand cancel is the first one we have seen
for B608 Wasp.
� |

3.� GT5 RS cachet on Front with
Beck printed on reverse� (B562)
Scan courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen

3.� B562 Reverse-Note the envelope
Scan courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen
�� |
3. The very interesting cover shown here has the
Beck cachet� printed on the BACK of the cover.
The Project Gemini cachet was applied to the front of the cover
before it was sent to Mr. Beck.� Beck
printed his three color cachet on the reverse of the envelope and then sent the envelope to
the US Navy for postmarking.�
Other examples of similar covers see B561 and B515.
� |

4.� B323� CREW Cover (No Beck
Scan courtesy of Martin S Rasmussen
� |
For this space mission, the ship's
rubber stamp cachet is usually found on the reverse of the covers.�
Since this is a CREW cover, it probably wasn't mailed and didn't
need room for the address.� Note the autograph of the
commanding officer.� It was probably given to one of the senior
officers on the ship as a souvenir.
This is a CREW Cover. (Beck printed cover with no number
= CREW).�
This CREW cover is listed under B323 because Beck designated B323 for
USS Kearsarge even though some USS Kearsarge covers have been seen with B317 cachet.
Beck's printing log indicates that B323-was for USS Kearsarge |

Beck Rubber Stamp Cachet with Boxer Hand Cancel |
Beck Rubber Stamp Cachet
with Boxer Hand Cancel This cover
has the Beck designed rubber stamp cachet that he supplied to the US
Navy.� This corresponds to Beck cachet number 622.� All
examples of the USS Boxer cancels on cachet 622 have the machine
cancel.� We have not observed any Boxer hand cancels on a printed
Beck cover for this space flight.� If you have one please send
us a scan.
The cover shown here sold on eBay for $30.
See the
Beck printed cachet 622 HERE
� |

B699 for normal postage usage |
Beck Cover B699-Norfolk
In eBay Lot Dr. Ross Smith noticed a
Beck B699 in an eBay lot of covers.� The cover (at left) is
postmarked Norfolk, VA on December 8, 1966 and addressed to Germany.�
The date doesn't seem to be of any significance so perhaps the cover
was just used for correspondence.� If any readers have any more
information on this cover, please contact us.
� |
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith
B773 USS Guadalcanal

B760 USS Essex
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith B751 USS Chikaskia
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith B784 USS Guadalcanal
� |
Beck Covers Addressed to Sec. of Navy
John H Dalton-Sec/Navy 1993-1998At
least four Beck covers were sold on eBay on Feb 12 from the
collection of John H Dalton, Secretary of the Navy, 1993-98.
Shown is B773 USS Guadalcanal with the A.M.
cancel, a new addition to our web site.� We suspected that it
existed but have never seen one.� The lucky bidder won this
cover for only $30.
Beck B760 USS Essex for Apollo 7, PRS.� Sold for
Note that all four of these
Beck covers, sold by one eBay seller, are from the same collection
of John H. Dalton the Secretary of the Navy, 1993-1998.� All
four covers have the "VIP" label that we have seen on some very hard
to find covers.� We believe that the covers with with VIP
labels were sent to a special list of people and not to collectors.�
Industry, Navy, Contractors, Space and Government officials.�
In 1968-69, Dalton was serving in the Navy and received Navy Nuclear
Power training.� He served on USS Blueback SS-581 and USS J C
Calhoun SSBN-630.
Beck B751 USS Chikaskia for AS 502.�
$32.00.� This one is very hard to find.
Beck B784 USS Guadalcanal for AS 504 $24.39.�
This one is very hard to find.
� |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
A Second Beck B525
Brown/Gold Cover Found
A B525 with the Brown/Gold cancel was found by
Dr Smith. The Brown/Gold cancel has now been observed on two Beck Covers.�
Until February 2011 we thought the cover shown in our listing for
B525 Brown/Gold might be a unique cover.� Now we know there are
at least two! Thanks Ross.
� |
1946 Beck USS Philippine
Sea CV-47 Added This new addition
was observed on eBay with a starting bid price of $9.99 � |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
Beck CREW Cover for GT-2
Dr. Ross Smith sent us this scan of a great example of a CREW cover
for GT-2 This CREW cover is listed under B461 because Beck's
printing log indicates that this number AND B463 were designated for USS Lake Champlain.
� � |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
Beck B653 USS
Wasp PRS Added
Dr. Ross Smith sent us this scan of an important Prime Recovery Ship
of Gemini 9.� We have only seen a couple of the B653 postmarked
on the Wasp.� Also, watch for this cover with the Wasp Hand
Cancel! � |
1944 Beck WWII Dual
Cancel USS Hyman
Rich Hoffner sent us this scan of a very interesting WWII cover with
dual cancels.� One from 1944 and then 1946.� Rich reports
that the second cancel marks the ships arrival at Casco, Maine after
transiting the Panama Canal after WWII.� The cover bears Mr.
Beck's hand written address and we know that Mr. Beck was in the
Navy so perhaps he knew someone or maybe he was on the Hyman at that
� |

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
Unlisted Beck B604 USS
Wasp PRS Found
Dr. Ross Smith found this unlisted Beck cover for B604.� A
great find! � |

Scan courtesy of David Ball |
Beck B697 USS Robert A
Owens CREW Covers
This CREW cover for the AS202 mission is already shown on this site,
but what is interesting is that David Ball found these CREW covers
both addressed to the well-known space cover dealer, Robert Boudwin.
Since CREW covers are unusual to begin with, no
doubt that Mr. Boudwin had connections to get two of these covers.�
Did he get them from Mr. Beck or from the Navy?
More on
CREW covers. �
See more scans of this issue
courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith � |

Scan courtesy of David Ball |
Beck B333 USS Beatty
CREW Cover
Previously unlisted.� We are very happy to have this scan sent
us by David Ball. � |
Apollo 13 Very Unusual CREW cover�
This scan from Web site was brought to
our attention by Dr Ross Smith. It is from the collection of� Martin
Schwebs Rasmussen.
This is the only Apollo13 Beck cover seen from the
Stoddert.� Probably one-of-a-kind.
� |

Scan courtesy of Martin Schwebs
Rasmussen |
Beck Apollo 12 B824 USS
Hawkins CREW This previously
unlisted Beck CREW cover was sold on eBay in November, 2010 for
$16.50.� This is the only CREW cover we have seen for the
Hawkins for Apollo12 and we wondered if it existed.
� |
Beck Space Covers on
eBay �
Top: December 2010.� Sold on eBay.�
$41.00.� Seller was gastampman.
Center: December 2010.� Sold on eBay.�
$22.37.� Seller was gastampman.
Bottom:December 2010.� Sold on eBay.�
$45.64.� Seller was gastampman. |

Scan courtesy of GAStampMan on eBay |
Beck B323 USS Kearsarge
PRS Autographed-Cooper
This Beck cover, cachet B323, is postmarked on the prime recovery
ship for Gordon Cooper's space mission on May 16, 1963.� This
autographed cover sold on eBay for $103.50 after 7 bids. � |

Scan courtesy of PeteStamps on eBay |
Beck B998 July 25, 2010
Sells for $144.95 on eBay
See the story of this and other ASTP covers
in the listing section.� |

Scan courtesy of Charlie Hamilton |
Beck Change of Command
Cover added to site.
Thanks goes to Charlie Hamilton for
sending us this scan of a previously unlisted cover on this Beck
Cover site.
See similar unnumbered Beck
1963 covers HERE
� |

Most cancels are poor quality.
Except for the covers shown below and right, all covers observed until 2010, also have
a Boston MC
July 31 on face of cover.
 Courtesy of Greg Ciesielski and Dave Kent, This one is clean with no
Boston MC
� |
M W Beck Cachet 47 USS Miller
Study Most recent addition to the site is the
USS Miller cover shown directly below. This cover shows a full and clean cancel.�
Most Beck 47 covers also have the Boston MA machine cancel.

Another good example with a clear cancel plus note the
cachet was printed over the address label.� Scan courtesy of Rich Hoffner. |

Very Unusual GT-9 PRS Sold for
$159.50 on eBay�
The scans at left are the front and back of ONE cover.�
Perhaps unique.�
On the front is the GT-8 USS Boxer cover with the hard to
find BLUE RS cachet for GT-8.� On the back of the envelope is the printed
captain's cover cachet for GT-9.
Two different flights, two dates.� Interesting.
Thanks to Dr. Ross Smith for providing information for
this posting.
� |
Beck 801 Apollo 11 Sold for $54
on eBay�
A very nice example of Beck 801 USS Hornet Apollo 11 PRS
sold on eBay for $54.
� |
Beck 630 Gemini 8 PRS Sold for
$255 on eBay!�
This cover, the B630, USS Mason has always been an
important PRS cover and the price has varied over the years.� This sale at
$255 is probably a record price or perhaps the highest paid in the past 5-8
� |
Beck 699 CREW cover on Airmail
Graeme J W Smith sent in the example of Beck 699 CREW
� |
Beck 723 FREE Mail�
Rich Hoffner sent in this Beck 723 covers, a nice find in
his "FREE" mail Viet Nam collection. Beck # 723, postmarked while ship in
Vietnamese waters with Free franking privileges. Postal Clerk applied his rubber
stamp to the cover.
� |
Beck 998 July 17 Sold on eBay
Ross Smith agrees that this cover is a Sean Marsar cover and
is similar to the cover postmarked on July 15 on that same flight.
According to Dr. Smith's research, only 10 covers were
postmarked for each day with an extra 20 being postmarked on July 17, the day of
If you could assemble a complete set of the Beck and Navy RS
cachets for this flight, it might be worth $1000. |
_small.jpg) |
Cover from Mr. Beck's collection
Cachet designed by Donald O Schultz
� |
 � |
Beck CREW 515 GT-3 Another one
surfaces on eBay! I'm surprised to see another
GT-3 CREW cover offered on eBay.� It sold for only $32.� We estimate
that this CREW Prime Recovery Ship cover is probably really worth $100-125+
� |
Beck Covers and Interesting
Material I'm on the road for the next 6 weeks so
my additions to this site will be quick and few!
The Blue envelope at left is unusual and from the exhibit
of Dr. Ramkissoon.
The Betty Boop cachet is from Morris Beck's personal
collection.� He did not produce this cachet as far as we know.
Other covers have been added in the Beck listing by
individual covers.
April 25, 2010
 Scan courtesy of Greg Ciesielski |
 Above, Scan Courtesy of Tom Steiner
The cover below
from Dr Ross Smith, with the BLACK color missing is on our site. See that page HERE �

Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
Beck #874 Apollo 15 Missing Green
Color USS Kawishiwi Courtesy of Tom Steiner, at
left is a printed cachet color missing variety.�
Cover at bottom left is a B874 missing the black.
� |

Scan Courtesy of Greg Ciesielski and Dave Kent |
Beck #47 LDPS USS Miller Found
Without MC Overprint Courtesy of Greg Ciesielski
and Dave Kent, here is a Beck #47 scan that made us revise the caption on the
webpage.� "Most cancels are poor quality. All covers
observed also have Boston MC July 31 on face of cover."
This one is clean with no Boston MC
. |

 Bottom scan courtesy of Luc Jallot.� This cover is interesting because it
shows the same markings as another cover on our site.� This seems to
indicate that the changes to the Beck printed cachet were made by the ship's
personnel and not a collector.
If you have a B521 OR B522 Wasp without the changes shown above, please
send us a scan.
 Shown here is a scan courtesy of
Spaceflori of Beck 522 Wasp with the same
changes as the above B521 to the cachet. |
Ross Smith helped to identify the interesting markings on
this GT-4 cover. He wrote "the small blue
circular cachet was applied by Morris Beck. He applied it to any cover at his
customers request and therefore it is not just found on recovery ship covers,
but also on other covers such as launch covers.�He used a number of different
colored inks and I'm aware of examples from Gemini 2 to Apollo 4.�I've
documented these cachets on my
Recovery Ship
Cover site including those ink colors that I'm aware of.�
The JFK cachet is a George Goldey cachet and seems to be far less common on
Recovery Ship covers than the Morris Beck cachet."
  Scans courtesy of Luc Jallot. |
 � |
Beck ASTP Rubber Stamp Postmarked
July 25, 1975 Remember that the post office on
the USS New Orleans was closed on the actual ASTP recovery date of July 24,
1975. This cover is special because it is on a two-sided post card.
See more similar
covers from ASTP HERE
� |
 � |
Beck B746 AS 501 Recovery Ship
Cover Previously Unlisted
See Listing HERE
� |
 Scan courtesy of Tom Steiner |
Beck B896 Skylab Hawaii Cancel
Previously Unlisted
See Listing HERE
� |
 � |
Beck B613 Wasp Recovery Ship
Cover Previously Unlisted
Two similar B613 Wasp covers were offered on eBay.�
Successful bidder Dr. Ross Smith informed us of his find.
� |
  � |
Beck Printed Covers for Apollo 10
Missing Color
Ton Steiner sent us these scans of a missing background
color on a Beck printed cover for Apollo 10.
See more varieties
 Scan courtesy of Dr. Ross Smith |
Previously Unlisted Beck
CREW Cover Apollo 14
The Apollo 14 CREW cover at
left was sold on eBay ($29.55).� This is the first CREW cover we have seen
from Apollo 14 cancelled on the Spiegel Grove, a secondary recovery ship for
Apollo 14.
With Dr. Smith's find, we only need tolocate the CREW cover for |